Monday, June 8, 2009

Why Seaweed Wraps Work

Here is an article I edited for the EVO Spa newsletter, written by Dan Fryda, of Spa Technologies International. He brings up some very good points... Not drinking the algae-spiked kool-aid? Read the New York Times article posted below.

Why Seaweed Wraps Work

Every sickness, every disease can be traced to a mineral deficiency”
Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate 1954

Toxin: (from Greek meaning an arrow that was dipped in poison)

You might be surprised to learn that seaweed detox treatments do more than firm up bodies…they play an important role in your health and quality of life. Toxins are poisons that are aimed at undermining your health and can rob you of vitality. And that the minerals contained in algae in their blended perfection can act as an antidote to the myriad of environmental aging factors we call toxins.

What are toxins?

Some toxins are contaminants ingested into the body by finding themselves in the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. They are in the form of heavy metals like mercury, lead, cobalt and cesium. Some are even radioactive including strontium-90 and an isotope of iodine that are known to contaminate our food and water. These contaminants attack vital organs including the liver and kidneys.

The other group of toxins is generated as by-products of cellular metabolism. These toxins are proteins and they attract water, lots of it to the point that they create congestion of the body’s lymph system. That feeling of bloat is not only uncomfortable it leads to the infiltration of these toxins in vital organs and fat. The accumulation of toxins leads to a range of problems ranging from unsightly cellulite to serious health issues. These toxins cannot only decrease our quality of life they have been shown to drastically reduce life expectancy (see Alexis Carrell sidebar).

Toxins in our environment.

It is now universally conceded that our topsoil is impoverished due to a century of erosion brought on by modern methods of farming. The use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers, have depleted the minerals in our soil. Pesticides kill the rich fauna that make the topsoil their home—bacteria, larva and worms. Worms in particular constantly tunnel our topsoil making it porous and aerated. When the rains come, the spongy topsoil absorbs the water. But when worms are killed off by pesticides, the soil hardens into a clay consistency. Water is not absorbed; rather it runs off the surface eroding the top layer of soil with it. The runoff diminishes the topsoil and the minerals with it. This process has reduced the average topsoil in North America by more than 80% over the last century.

Another example of toxic exposure, is if a nuclear reactor has a leak or a major breakdown such as Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. Strontium-90 gas escapes and strontium-90 contaminates the soil. Grass and grains that grow in the contaminated soil absorb this dangerous element, which cows graze on. The milk produced by these cows are now contaminated with Strontium-90 and we humans might consume it in the form of a variety of dairy products ranging from cheese to ice cream

The consequence of such shortsighted agricultural practices and accidental contaminant leaking is devastating. Combined with environmental stress and a diet that is formulated with chemical additives, and the result is catastrophic to health.

How toxins can affect our bodies.

The human body itself is made up of 70% water that is qualitatively identical to seawater. The remaining 30% of the body is made up primarily of minerals and trace elements. Minerals are the building blocks of DNA and proteins. When there is a lack of any one of these vital minerals, there are health repercussions as noted by Dr. Linus Pauling. Lack of calcium can lead to water retention, bloat and eventually osteoporosis; lack of magnesium leads to a feeling of stress and skin that lacks tone; lack of potassium translates into lack of energy and poor cellular metabolism.

Why seaweed treatments work?

Since seaweed is nature’s richest source of minerals…as well as nature’s most balanced source, seaweed detox wraps are used in Europe to help the body eliminate toxins. Seaweed grows in seawater and seawater is chemically identical to blood plasma and the body’s fluids. There is an abundant source of minerals and other vital elements such as copper, zinc and manganese that is relatively untapped—the sea. The oceans cover 70% of the earth’s surface or 400 million cubic miles of mineral water. Seaweeds are plants that dwell in this mineral soup. Nutritionally, they provide more than five times as many minerals per ounce than the most mineral-rich vegetables. Further, seaweeds provide us with a perfect balance of these elements, which are 100% compatible with the human body. The calcium and magnesium levels in seaweed help to decongest the blood and lymph systems. Swelling is reduced and the body can evacuate toxins from the tissues and eventually out of the body. Additionally magnesium is vital in cellular renewal so your skin looks more radiant. Potassium and selenium fight off free radicals to protect cellular integrity and prevent premature aging. And if this is not enough, seaweed improves circulation so your legs look radiant. Because the minerals contained in seaweed are the smallest in molecular size, they easily penetrate through the skin to feed the body (University of Rennes study: 1963).

//Read this article below on seaweed therapies -including quotes from Dan Fryda, I tend to take the author's side... it's mind-body thing, best served with a healthy dish of fresh seaweed salad.

1 comment:

  1. i've turned everyone on to this...the girls all really love your sight neeks!!
